My background is in civil engineering and physical limnology of lakes. I aim to use interdisciplinary collaborations to understand physical, chemical, and biological responses of lakes and river ecosystems to long-term and abrupt changes, and then develop effective management strategies to promote ecosystem resilience. Currently I am the Office of Great Waters Monitoring Coordinator at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Here I develop monitoring projects to assess the status of Wisconsin's Great Lakes Areas of Concern, coordinate long- and short-term monitoring on Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and the Mississippi River, and coordinate the BEACH program for Great Lakes coastal beach E. coli monitoring in Wisconsin. I also act as the climate change and resiliency lead for the Office of Great Waters. Previously, I was a post doctoral researcher at the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with Dr. Peter McIntyre. In 2016, I received my PhD in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I studied the response of water temperatures, ice cover, and fish habitat to long-term changes in climate with Dr. Chin Wu. Prior to my PhD, I obtained my B.C.E. in civil engineering from the University of Minnesota and worked as a water supply planning intern at Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities and as a civil engineering intern at the University of Minnesota.
When I'm not working, I enjoy soccer, volleyball, hiking, reading, and art. |